Scripting FAQ

What scripting languages are supported?
We support Perl, PHP and Python. You can also write shell scripts.

What is the path to Perl?

What is the path to Python?

What is the path to the sendmail program?
Please use sendmail carefully. Any script using it should protect against attacks that could allow SPAMmers to send email from our servers, including header injection attacks, allowing a recipient to be specified etc. If you don't know how to make your scripts that use sendmail safe, you shouldn't use it. We will not hesitate to delete insecure mail sending scripts.

Where can I run scripts?
In theory you can run scripts in any folder. In the Web Options in the control panel, you can create cgi-bin folders, which will attempt to execute anything contained in them. Alternatively, you can add certain file extensions (e.g. .pl, .cgi) that will always execute no matter where they are.

I need a Perl module installed, will you install it for me?
Unless we have a good reason for not installing a module, we will usually be happy to install it for you. All common modules are installed, including DBI.

What kinds of scripts can I run?
All of the usual web scripts tend to be OK - guestbooks, counters, forums, shopping systems and so on. We will not object to your script so long as it does not consume excessive server resources, is secure and doesn't do anything that is in breach of our terms and conditions.