Anti-SPAM & Anti-Virus FAQ

What does Email Anti-Virus do?
When an email account has anti-virus enabled, all incoming mail to that account is checked for email viruses against a database that is regularly updated. By default any email found to have a virus will be deleted, however other options include simply marking the message as having a virus and moving it to another account. We recommend that you use the default setting; it's very rare that a legitimate message would contain a virus and even if it did there is a risk of infection.

What does Email Anti-SPAM do?
When an email account has anti-SPAM enabled, all incoming mail to that account is analyzed by a SPAM checking system. Basically, it looks at the message and assigns points for things that are signs that it is SPAM, and if it scores enough points it is regarded as SPAM. If the SPAM checker decides the message is SPAM, it will by default add **SPAM** to the start of the subject line and attach the original message. Other options include deleting any email identified as SPAM and moving it to another account. We recommend that you use the default setting; occasionally a legitimate message may be marked as SPAM.

How do I automatically put SPAM messages in my Deleted Items folder?
The vast majority of email readers allow you to set up rules to filter messages based upon their content. You need to add a rule that looks for **SPAM** in the subject line of the email, and if it is there moves it to your Deleted Items folder. To do this in Outlook Express:-
1) From the Tools menu, go to Message Rules and then select Mail.
2) To the right hand side of the window that appears as a result of Step 1, there will be a button labeled "New...". Click this button.
3) In the top box ("Select the conditions for your rule"), put a tick in the box next to the words "When the Subject line contains specific words".
4) In the second box ("Select the actions for your rule"), put a tick in the box next to the words "Delete it".
5) In the third box, there will now be a link reading "contains specific words". Click on this link and another window should appear.
6) In the text box in this new window, type **SPAM** and then press the Add button.
7) Click the OK button to close this window.
8) In the "Name Of This Rule" box, enter the words "Delete SPAM". This is simply to identify the rule to you.
9) Press the OK button on that window, and the OK button on the window behind it to close all the mail filtering related windows. Congratulations, you've now set up mail filtering for your SPAM.
For other email clients, the procedure will vary slightly, but the idea is the same. Please see the documentation for your email client for more details.

How much SPAM will get caught? Will it detect valid emails as SPAM?
The SPAM filter can be set to a range of different strengths, from very aggressive through to permissive. In very aggressive mode, virtually all SPAM will be detected, but you have an increased chance that a non-SPAM email will be caught and marked as SPAM too. In permissive mode only extremely obvious SPAM will be detected, and a lot of SPAM will be missed, however the chances of a non-SPAM email being marked as SPAM are extremely low. Our system default is a setting just to the aggressive side of normal.