Our Technology

IncraHost uses Redhat Linux running on servers that are based around Intel P4 or later platforms. All the servers we use now are P4 1.6Ghz. We have selected the best in hosting software, including the HSphere Hosting Automation Platform, Apache HTTPd (web server), ProFTP (FTP server), OpenSSH, OpenSSL, Qmail mail server, Majordomo list server, MySQL, PgSQL and more to deliver you a stable, scalable, secure and feature rich environment to run your web, mail, database and FTP services.

The data center is as good as the servers it houses. Located in Las Vegas, it features a seismically certified vault with 18" thick concrete walls! To help avert problems in the light of smaller scale disasters, there are UPS units to keep the power going in the event of a power outage, backup generators to keep your site running throughout longer outages, sophisticated fire suppression units and 24/7 security gaurds. IncraHost hasn't cut corners or selected cheap solutions just to maximise our profits. We want to provide a good service and have a reputation for doing so. We are confident that our clients will have a good experience working with us.

Our Business
IncraHost is a service of JWCS.NET Limited, a registered UK private limited company dedicated to providing solutions to businesses, developers and webmasters. The company spans many markets so that it can more easily survive any downturns in any particular market, therefore increasing its stability. This allows you to be confident that your hosting service isn't going to disappear overnight.

JWCS.NET Ltd is focused on providing quality solutions at affordable prices. We care about our clients, and work with them to help them succeed. The team that run IncraHost have years of combinded experience in many areas, be it web development, server administration, client support or management. Most have knowledge that spans multiple areas. The JWCS.NET Ltd team have an even wider range of skills, meaning that we can provide more than just web hosting to you if this is what you need. The differrent parts of JWCS work together, so that a site built by the web development team will always run perfectly on the IncraHost servers.

IncraHost has got a stable future. It's got extensive funding available to it from JWCS.NET Ltd, and spends its funds carefully so as to ensure that money is not wasted - meaning we can pass on savings made through good management to you. The number of clients IncraHost has is also expanding, offsetting costs and covering expansion to cope with the increased demand.

All members of the JWCS.NET Ltd executive team are pleased with IncraHost's progress and like the team that operate it are proud of the service and the good reputation that it is quickly gaining. IncraHost seeks to continue to provide what you will need to host your website, email and database in an ever changing climate.